One Mission: Neighborhood Success

One Mission: Neighborhood Success

Happy families make happy neighbors

Happy families make happy neighbors

Mission Statement

My photo
The Thomasboro Neighborhood Association is a diverse community, unified in its efforts to enhance the quality of life for the people who live, work and visit Thomasboro Neighborhood.

Our Vision

The Thomasboro Neighborhood Association is a coalition of residents and business owners dedicated to support, promote, advance, and encourage the social and economic revitalization and the image of Thomasboro Neighborhood as an economically vibrant, attractive and safe center for culture, entertainment, art, education, history, commerce, and residential use.

Our Goals

Thomasboro Neighborhood Association strives to make its neighborhood a beautiful, clean, safe and economically healthy historic community with a mixture of safe, affordable housing, employment opportunities, active residents, and community and recreational amenities that meet the physical, social educational, cultural and economic needs of all its residents protecting the physical character of the neighborhood and promote development sensitive to the area, as well as building a strong, close-knit community of neighbors and friends through organized community events.

Our History

The Thomasboro Neighborhood Association (TNA) began long before 1997. A history of the actual date is being researched. The coalition of citizens concerned with maintaining and enhancing Thomasboro Neighborhood organized to make this area a safe, desirable place to live and do business. Past organizers and current leaders are committed to fostering this neighborhood as a cohesive community in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Community Volunteers

Community Volunteers
The test of courage comes when we are in the minority." [Ralph W. Sackman]

Food Drive

Food Drive
"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and take without forgetting." [Elizabeth Bibesco]

Our Future

Building on the original premise, we are focusing on social revitalization as part of our ongoing investment in the future success of Thomasboro Neighborhood. We believe a healthy community includes all members of our neighborhood. Through community outreach programs, crime prevention through social change, and events like block parties, Back to School festival, family fun nights, arts and multi-cultural experiences and children's events along with other enterprising opportunities we can build a strong thriving community for all.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Community University: Cmmunication Tools for Success May 6

 Community Class

Today a  few board members (Brenda, Vanessa and Veca) went to to the Southwest Community Roadmap to success for the Customized Workshop series. Here are the class notes:

Communiation Tools For Success

Goal:  Learn to improve group and one-on-one communication

Learning Objectives:
  • Understanding different types and methods of communication
  • Implementing essential skills and avoiding barriers
  • Determining and practing communication strategies
Types of Communication: 
  1. Verbal
  2. Non-verbal
  3. Symbolic
 Methods of Communication:
  1. Technology
  2. Face to Face
  3. Written Media
  4. Other
 Implementing essential skills and avoiding barriers
  1. Essential skills       6.     Valadating 
  2. Listening               7.     Convencing
  3. asking                   8.     Understanding
  4. Observing             9.     Yielding
  5. Leveling                10.   "I" statements
Understand this:  40% to 60% of communication can be lost or misinterpreted
Barriers of Communicating
  1. Miscommunication      4.   Differences
  2. Clarity                        5.   Mispreceptions
  3. Emotion                     6.   Inconsistences
Communication Strategies
  1. Purpose Intent         6.   Examples
  2. Audience                 7.   Action Plan
  3. Resources               8.    Evaluate
  4. Obstacles                9.    Maintain Relationships & Postive atmosphere
  5. Examples
Seven Basic Principles
  1. Believing there is not one reality
  2. Use the correct communication method 
  3. Do not get defensive
  4. You must share information
  5. Be direct
  6. Maintain confidentiality
  7. Listen

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